Tsiali - A Georgian Choir in Bristol
Tsiali is a choir based in Bristol, specialising in singing music from the Republic of Georgia, a beautiful country in the Caucasus with lovely, welcoming people. The picture shows the old town of Mestia, in the Svaneti region of Georgia.
Georgia has a unique tradition of polyphonic vocal music, almost always sung in three parts, with its own characteristic styles of melody and harmony. The music has a prominent place in Georgian culture, covering all areas of life. Amongst others, there are songs to heal illness, songs to sing while working in the fields, Christmas carols and liturgical songs used in church. Singing is an important part of the traditional shared meal, or "supra", at which the conversation is dominated by toasts and interspersed with songs to fit the topic.
Georgian polyphonic song is listed by UNESCO as part of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.